Thursday 18 February 2016



Electric Current and Voltage Division Rule

Electric Current Division Rule

This rule finds application when we have to find the current passing through each impedance when these are connected in parallel. Let us say, two impedances Z1 and Z2 are connected in parallel as shown below.
A current I passes and divides in I1 and I2 at the junction of these two impedances as shown. I1 and I2 pass through Z1 and Z2 respectively. Our aim is to determine I1 and I2 in terms of I, Z1 and Z2. As Z1 and Z2 are connected in parallel, voltage drop across each will be same. Hence, we can write Also applying Kirchoff’s current law at junction, we get We have two equations and can determine I1 and I2.

From (1), we have Putting this in (2), we get Or, Or, Or, We have Putting value of I1, we get

Thus, we have determined I1 and I2 in terms of I, Z1 and Z2. This rule is applied as follows. Suppose we have to determine I1. We proceed as Applying above rule, we will get Let us apply this rule to some problems. Let Z1 = 1 + j3, Z2= 3 + j5 and I = 10 amps. Applying current divison rule, we will have Where I1 = current passing through Z1. Putting given numerical values, we get Similarly, The other way to find I2 is as I2 = I – I1 = 10-6.5 + j0.5 = 3.5 + j0.5. This is how we can apply current division rule.

Voltage Division Rule

Voltage division rule finds application when we have to find voltage across some impedance. Let us suppose that the impedance Z1, Z2, Z3,…..Zn are connected in series and voltage source V is connected across them as shown below. Our aim is to find voltage across some impedance, say, Z3. We see that Z1, Z2, Z3 ….Zn are connected in series. Hencem effective impedance Zeff as seen by the voltage is given by Current passing the circuit is given by This current is passing through all the impedances connected in series. Hence, voltage across Z3 is given by Similarly, voltage across Z1 will be given by In general, we can write Where k = 1, 2, 3 ,….n. This is called voltage divion rule and frequently used to determine voltage across some impedance. We can write this rule in words as given below. Voltage across some impedance Impedances Z1, Z2, Z3 ,…….Zn should be connected in series. We will solve one problem of finding voltages across impedances using voltage divisio rule.


impedance Z1=2+j4, Z2 = 3+j7 AND Z3 = 6+j2 are connected in series. Across these impedance connected in series, a voltage source of 100V is connected as shown below. Determine the voltage across each impedance. SOLUTION: Applying voltage division rule, we get Similarly, We can also determine Vz3 as follows. Actually, we can determine voltage across any impedance in this way if voltages across all other remaining impedances are known. When we Z1=Z2=Z3=…….Zn, voltage across each impedance is given by V1=V2=V3=………..Vn. Thus voltage will be same across each impedance and it equals V/n, that is, source voltage divided number of impedances connected in series.

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